Monday 25 July 2016

42% of PI victims cited the existence of a "compensation culture" as the reason they didn't make a claim

According to a YouGov poll of 1,009 adults who have had an accident for which they could have potentially made a claim :
·       -   42% cited the existence of a ‘compensation culture’ as the reason they did not.

Of those who made a claim:
·          -  26% were nervous about the process,
·         - 19% felt daunted and intimidated, while
·         - 10% worried about what others would think
·         just 22% felt confident about pursuing their claim for damages. 

Reasons given for not claiming were stress, nervousness about the process and a desire not to make trouble for anyone.

The poll found that 60% of people suffered financial implications as a result of their injury – with one in five losing out on earnings of £10,000 or more – while over a third had to take more than a month off work.

The research also highlighted the emotional suffering and stress that victims suffer – half admitted they were anxious about how long they would take to recover, and one in five (20%) were worried they would not be able to pay their household bills.

Feelings of anger were common, with almost half (47%) feeling angry and frustrated with the person or company who caused their accident, and 54% left feeling their injury could have been avoided.

The report also tried to dispel the notion that people make claims for personal gain. 
   -   Some 37% planned to use their compensation to replace lost earnings
   -   30% said it was to cover the cost of rehab and medication,
   -   21% said they would pay off debts.

BTE and ATE Legal expenses insurance ensures that accident victims who have legitimate cases have financial support to get their lives back on track, and obtain the compensation they deserve. In the case of BTE all compensation awarded remains intact. 


Our BTE Family and Motoring Legal Solutions policies include extra benefits such as a legal advice helpline, access to our digital law guide and smart legal documents to download -such as a free will.   

LEI represents better value than ever for your customers so please ensure that if it isn't embedded within their home or motor insurance policy your customers understand what benefits they could be losing if they choose not to opt-in. 

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